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Super Spacer Technology
Super Spacer reduces dew on the edges of the glass and is characterized by great energy savings. In the United States, it has completely pushed all other spacer distributors in the glass, and in Europe it is the most popular in the UK. Now, thanks to RAMA-GLAS, it is also available in BiH.
February 27, 2023
We hereby inform you that our office, which is located at the address Kolodvorska no. 12, ceases to operate on March 1, 2023.
October 31, 2022
We hereby inform you that the Commercial Service will work on Saturdays until 14:00 instead of 16:00 staring from 01.11.2022.
June 11, 2022
After many years of planning, RAMA-GLAS is starting the construction of a plant for the use of solar energy for its own needs on the roof […]
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